søndag den 9. januar 2022

How to use Twitter moments for local seo (SEO nyt)

In this blogpost I will tell how it is possible to use Twitter moments for local seo.

How to use Twitter moments for local seo

To summarize, you must determine what service you want to target, as well as what city you want to promote your service in. You then optimize the landingpage on your website for the combination of city + service. After that, you create a Youtube Video optimized for the same keywords, and tweet all urls. In the end you then make a Twitter moment, where you collect the tweeted urls.

Twitter moments is not a new feature

For more than 5 years it has been possible to create Twitter moments on the social media platform Twitter. It is easily one of the most powerful feautures of Twitter. Even if Twitter only gives links through a redirect, there are still a number of reasons to use Twitter in your seo campaigns. Twitter is partly owned by Google, and this tweets are given special attention. They are crawled very fast, and they also index very fast. This is important, expecially here in 2022, where we struggle to get our blogposts and websites indexed by Google. Yout can also Read this article from Search Engine Land on how to use Twitter to dominate the Google search:


Using Twitter moments for local SEO

If you think about it, you will realize you can use your Twitter profile as an easy and fast way to build strong contextual backlinks to your website. When you have determined what keyword and city you want to target, write a good article, insert it on a blogpost, and optimize the blogpost for the city+keyword combination.

You then proceed to make an seo optimized Youtube video for your keyword, tweet both the youtube video and your landing page. Now you are ready to create the optimized Twitter moment.

Keywords in title and content

Go to the Moments creator section of your Twitter profile. From there, select the tweets you want to add. Now you must write in the service+city in the title of the Twitter moment, since this is what it can rank for. Write a short optimized description, and you are done!

If the target keyword is sufficiently longtail, it will rank on page one, together with your Youtube video and your landing page. Voila! You now have three spots on page one!

I hope you enjoyed this short tutorial. Contact me, if you have questions to my method.


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